Different buildings for different minds

Families and Individuals

Did you know that there are changes you can make to your home so that it better supports sensory sensitivities, and provides general support for you or your family member with autism?

Depending on your circumstances, these changes may be very simple to do yourself by making simple adjustments to your home. Sometimes the strategy may mean simple modifications, and at other times structural changes to your home may need to be considered.

I can help you by gaining an understanding of yours, or your family members sensory sensitivities and other challenges through a series of questionnaires and interviews, and then by looking at your home either in person, or via photos and video and providing you with an architectural strategy report specifically for you and your home.

My Churchill Fellowship research report provides additional background information. Click on the button to download a copy.

Common questions and my answers to them.

I haven’t heard of this before, how is this different from what my builder or designer can do for me?
This type of design is very specialised. In Australia, there are only a few people currently with the knowledge and expertise. My work is backed up by my many years experience as a designer and my research in the field. To read more go the design and research tabs in the menu.

Who does this help?
People with autism and other conditions such as dementia, sensory processing disorder and even anxiety and depression.

Is this used for new homes or renovations?
As the strategy is individualised, it can be applied to both new homes and retro-fitting existing homes. 

If your home is existing, or you already have plans for a new home, I will do a design review of the plans and provide advice to your builder or designer.

I’m an NDIS participant looking to apply for SDA housing, can you help?
Yes, quite often people who will benefit most from this are applying for housing under the robust category. I can work with your service provider or Occupational Therapist to assist by doing an assessment and strategy to be included in your application. Once you have been approved I can then work with your builder to provide advice on the plans of your new home.

Are your fees covered by my NDIS plan? 
Currently, I’m not a registered NDIS so my fees are not automatically covered. It is possible that my fees may be covered if referred by your OT – you will need to discuss your individual circumstances with your service provider. If not covered, my fees will need to be paid by you personally.

What if I am sharing with someone else, or living with my family? 
If you share with someone else who would also benefit from this type of service, then I would do an assessment on each person, and then combine the results to create an overall strategy that takes into account everyone’s needs. If you live with your family who are neuro-typical then the strategy that is created for you can also benefit your family as there are many features of an architectural strategy that works for everyone.

How is this different to the advice I get from my Occupational Therapist.
OT’s are experts in how you use the home, and are specialists in what you need. As a building designer, I am a specialist in how to design and specify the home to meet those needs. I work alongside your OT to provide the services you need and get you the home that works best for you.

What sort of things does the architectural strategy cover?
Lighting and acoustic (sound) are the most common things to design for. Other things such as the zoning of the home, the type of materials and finishes used are all things considered. I also suggest design elements that can help with routine, prompts and reminders, wayfinding and encouraging social interaction and exercise or hobbies.

Will my home look like a hospital? 
Absolutely not! Everything is considered so that your home is just that, your home! No matter what your support needs, the look and feel will be very much your home even considering your hobbies and things you like.

What if I don’t live near you, can you help? 
Yes, absolutely! I can do interviews via video meetings, review written reports of your allied health and support professionals and get you to fill in questionnaires electronically. I can help clients both in Australia and overseas.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Email: shelly.dival@enablingspaces.com.au
Mobile: 0433 510 416

Offices: Toodyay and Subiaco by appointment.

Time zone: Australian Western Standard Time (AWST)

12 + 14 =

Email: shelly.dival@enablingspaces.com.au
Mobile: 0433 510 416
Offices: Toodyay and Subiaco by appointment.
Time zone: Australian Western Standard Time (AWST)


Shelly Dival CF
Connecting research, industry and community to create Enabling Spaces.
© Enabling Spaces 2021